Friday, August 22, 2014


Adumbrate: (verb) to give to understand; describe roughly or give main points or summary of.
Ex) The ending of the novel is already adumbrated in the first chapter.
Apotheosis: (noun) the elevation of a person (as to the status of a God); model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal.
Ascetic: (adj.) practicing great self-denial; pertaining to or characteristic of the practice of rigorous self-discipline. (noun) someone who practices self-denial as a spiritual discipline.
Ex) Nuns and Ministers live a very ascetic life.
Bauble: (noun) a mock scepter carried by a court jester; cheap showy jewelry or ornament on clothing
Ex) I inherited a trinket or bauble from a family member and have had it for over twenty years.
Beguile: (verb) attract; cause to be enamored; influence by slyness.
Ex) They frequently beguile their toil with carols.
Burgeon: (verb) grow and flourish.
Ex) A very useful addition to my already burgeoning "cookery book" shelf.
Complement: (noun) a thing that completes/brings to perfection. A number/quality of something required to make a group complete. (verb) add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect.
Contumacious: (adj.) willfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient.
Ex) His contumacious behavior got him arrested.
Curmudgeon: (noun) a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas/bad-tempered person.
Ex) He was a grumpy old curmudgeon and could never be pleased.
Didactic: (adj.) instructive (especially excessively)
Ex) Her "Novels for Children" are very didactic and are very moral.
Disingenuous: (adj.) not straightforward or candid; giving a false appearance of frankness.
Ex) This, I know, sounds disingenuous, but it's true, this book was not written to be published.
Exculpate: (verb) pronounce not guilty of criminal charges.
Ex) Both men were endeavoring to exculpate themselves, and therefore both statements are subject to suspicion.
Faux pas: (adj.) not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine.
Ex) It commits the ultimate faux pas of judging the past by the standards of the present.
Fulminate: (noun) a salt or ester of fulminic acid. (verb) cause to explode violently and with loud noise; come on suddenly and intensely; criticize severely.
Ex) If I fulminate against the teacher, then I will probably get a detention.
Fustian:(noun) a strong cotton and linen fabric with a slight nap; pompous or pretentious talk or writing.
Ex) They are a short of stately fustian, and lofty childishness.
Hauteur: (noun) overbearing pride evidenced by superior manner towards inferiors
Ex) The Kind behaved with such a hauteur that he intimidated everyone around him.
Inhibit: (verb) limit the range or extent of; to put down by force or authority.
Ex) Coffee is said to inhibit one's growth.
Jeremiad: (noun) a long and mournful complaint.
Ex) She gave a jeremiad when the teacher handed her the pop-quiz.
Opportunist: (adj.) taking immediate advantage; often unethically, of any circumstance of possible benefit. (noun) a person who places expediency above principle.
Ex) The plant is considered a hardy opportunist and, left unchecked, will out-compete native shrubs and trees.
Unconscionable: (adj.) greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation; lacking a conscience

Ex) The way he treated you was unconscionable, and it won't happen again.

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